Our last week of puzzles from guest contributors can be found in this PDF.
This upcoming week is another “Patrons’ week”, featuring requested puzzle styles from our top patrons. As usual for these patrons’ weeks, the difficulty is on the higher end.
Monday: Tapa (Borders) by Murat Can Tonta
Tuesday: Castle Wall by Prasanna Seshadri
Wednesday: Fillomino by Grant Fikes
Thursday: SLICY by Thomas Snyder
Friday: Arrow/Shape/Thermo-Sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri
Saturday: Japanese Sums by Serkan Yürekli
Our patrons will also be receiving a bonus LITS by Carl Worth, access to puzzle solutions, and a written walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please become one of our patrons on Patreon.
PS: Our webmaster has been working on the solver widget and it looks like it may be back online again. Please tell us if you are having any issues with the widget and, if so, what browsers you are using. You might have to clear your cache or do a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) to see the updated widget.
The post Schedule for Next Week appeared first on The Art of Puzzles.