We get lots of great submissions to GMPuzzles, most often on the hard end of the spectrum. This week will feature 6 different guest contributors with some unique and challenging puzzles (about 3 “Wednesdays” and about 3 “Saturdays” in difficulty):
Monday: Nurikabe by Swaroop Guggilam
Tuesday: Cave by Bryce Herdt
Wednesday: Tapa (Windows) by Jack Lance
Thursday: Thermo-Sudoku (Missing Bulbs) by Hans van Stippent
Friday: Fillomino by Carl Worth
Saturday: Slitherlink by Walker Anderson
Our patrons will also be receiving a bonus Pentominous from Grant Fikes, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please become one of our patrons on Patreon.
The post Schedule for Next Week appeared first on The Art of Puzzles.